
Assertiveness training
This workshop enables participants to develop their ability to act assertively, even in the most difficult situations, such as feeling unpopular and not wishing to offend others.

Building Effective Relationships
Building effective relationships is a key part of success in the Veterinary world.This highly practical workshop will provide key skills and knowledge to help you build constructive and effective relationships with colleagues, and pet owners.

Building Multi-Professional Teams
Increasingly vets and veterinary nurses work as part of multiprofessional teams. Although these teams are focused on common goals, making them work successfully can be very difficult. This workshop looks at why these problems arise and how to build a good multi-professional team.

Communication Skills
A key role for vets and nurses is communicating effectively with the clients, with each other and with the “front of house team”. By getting our message across and by understanding the views and needs of others we can reduce the likelihood of conflict and disagreement. This highly practical workshop looks at the things that make for effective communication and introduces key communication skills that can be used whether communicating with individuals or groups.

Dealing with Conflict
Conflict at work in many practices is becoming more common and is a major cause of performance problems. Understanding why conflicts arise and resolving them quickly and effectively is critical if we and our teams are not to suffer burnout and stress.

Decision Making
Making decisions can be difficult in many cases.. We are faced with large amounts of data, the needs of different interest groups and pressure to always get it right.
This workshop looks at how to identify the key factors that influence our decision, how to gather and analyse relevant evidence and how to use a decision making model to reach the right answer.

Emotional Intelligence
Research shows that emotional intelligence is a key ability in building and maintaining successful relationships at work. This is a core skill in leading teams, coping with change and managing and resolving conflicts. This highly practical workshop explores the meaning of emotional intelligence, the difference that it makes in practice and how to develop it and how to use it successfully at work and elsewhere.

Implementing Change
The pressure of constant change is one that faces everyone in small animal practice. Clinicians are faced with the challenge of providing the highest quality of patient care while making sense of ever changing staff and targets. This workshop is about understanding and coping with change and the effect it has on us and those around us.

Negotiation and Influencing Skills
The ability to negotiate and influence on a day-to-day level is an essential skill whether it be agreeing priorities, establishing protocols or other key deliverables. This workshop focuses on cooperative negotiation working towards outcomes that meet the needs of all parties and support long-term relationships. It is practically focused with specifically designed case studies to support and maximise learning.

Performance Management
Meeting performance targets is a source of constant challenge when dealing with clients and emotional scenarios. Making sure that the teams we lead are focused on the right things is a critical task. This workshop offers some practical techniques to make sure that high standards of performance are maintained.

Time Management
Getting the most from our time is a challenge for all of us. The demands placed on vets and nurses increases constantly and it becomes increasingly difficult to find time for the things that really matter to us.

Understanding and Managing Stress
Working within the veterinary industry with its constant pressures, the potential for stress is enormous. This workshop looks at the causes of stress, how in our role as managers we can minimise them and how to develop effective personal strategies for reducing stress.
Mindfulness techniques are taught and practised at this, our most popular workshop.

Mindfulness training
Learning to be mindful rather than running on auto pilot can liberate us from the hamster wheel of daily life, rushing and juggling work with life.

Key skills in meditation practice are taught and practised in these workshops. Delegates leave the course equipped with the ability to meditate unguided at home, thus reducing stress, increasing emotional intelligence and enhancing their overall mental wellbeing.